Thursday 22 December 2016

A 17th Century Xmas Poster.

I hope you all have a pleasant and safe xmas. Personally I am going to wait for the winter solstice.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Identification Please. Hole in muzzle-loader gun stock.

Scott contacted me asking what the hole in the stock was used for or what is its purpose. I was unable to help, so I thought one of you may have the answer or an educated guess.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Anglo-American maritime clothing from 1680-1740 crowdfunding campaign.

15 December 00:24
I was wondering if you might repost a link to my crowdfunding campaign on you site? There are 12 days left in my campaign, and I want to encourage as many people to donate as possible who might be interested. People might have missed the original post you put up last month. Also, any comments that you think might encourage your readers would be appreciated. If you think it would help, you can use what I wrote on my posts that I have on FB: https://www.facebook.com/david.fictum.3/posts/10154997493653570?pnref=story
In speaking of people who are interested in my project, what are your thoughts on this whole effort and the book I intend to publish? I would think you would be greatly interested in such a material culture study. I hope that our shared interests will encourage you to donate to the campaign as well.
Hope this holiday season is going well for you,
-David FIctum
My GoFundMe campaign to raise money for my research trip to London to complete my work on Anglo-American maritime clothing from 1680-1740 is slowly but surely making progress. However, I still need the help of this community to make it anywhere near my goal. Below are some more thoughts that I hope makes more of you consider donating to this cause (TL;DR = You all helped inspire this project, it is a that subject appeals to many of your interests, the project needs help from you if it is going to succeed, and its success will help bring more information on this subject to others.):

The Couture Courtesan: Early Seventeenth Century Wool Gown

The Couture Courtesan: Early Seventeenth Century Wool Gown: I've been wanting to make a new early 17th century gown for some time now, mostly because I have learned so much since I made my gre...

Sunday 11 December 2016

"Once Upon a Time": The Dog Lock Trade Musket

"Once Upon a Time": The Dog Lock Trade Musket: An early 18th Century (circa. 1700) English Dog-Lock trade musket. The musket is light and simply made. The flat iron lock plate has bev...

Wednesday 7 December 2016

New England Re-enactor's Fair 2017.

The New England Reenactors Fair would like to welcome you all for our first full weekend event.
Coming this Feb.18th and 19th 2017 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel, Sturbridge,MA.

With 40+ venders lining up this is sure to be a truly amazing time.
Continueing with our great lecture series this year we will be introducing our first series of hands on workshops.

Saturday evening 6:30-9pm there will be an evening social held in the Court Yard at the Sturbridge Host Hotel. Free for all to attend. Cash Bar will be open as will food available.

$10.00 per Person one day admission
$15.00 Per Person full weekend (purchased at Admission booth)
Children 13 and under free.

Workshops admission to be announced at a later date. Space limited.

Hotel rooms are available at the Sturbridge Host Hotel at a special rate of $103.00 per night. If you are staying for the weekend I highly recommend this hotel.

More to come.

For more information contact:
Richard Eckert

Thursday 1 December 2016

Australian Survival and Preppers..: Times of Change. Finally!

Australian Survival and Preppers..: Times of Change. Finally!: The Seismic Shift to Freedom Through Out the Western World. Headlines like “Trump“, “The latest result of a populist wave that is s...