Monday 20 December 2021
Friday 17 December 2021
Tuesday 14 December 2021
Monday 13 December 2021
Thursday 9 December 2021
Sunday 5 December 2021
A New Woodsman & Woodwoman Board on the Woodsrunner's Forum for All Periods of Interest.
Regards, Keith.
The Woodsrunner Forum
Friday 3 December 2021
Wednesday 1 December 2021
Wednesday 24 November 2021
Tuesday 23 November 2021
Monday 22 November 2021
Sunday 21 November 2021
Monday 15 November 2021
Sunday 7 November 2021
Tuesday 2 November 2021
Powder Horn Kits From Crazy Crow in the USA
Good safe powder horns are hard to come by, good custom horns are expensive. One of our group members on our forum asked about purchasing a powder horn, & I came across these kits offered by Crazy Crow:
"Crazy Crow Trading Post also offers authentic Powder Horn Kits.
Components in these powder horn kits are selected to produce authentic, quality
powder horns and priming horns, and include fully illustrated
These kits could be the answer to an inexpensive powder horn that you
can put together yourself to make sure that the base plug is sealed well with
beeswax, and NOT glued in place!!! Not being sealed with beeswax & being
glued in place are both dangerous!!!
Crazy Crow Trading Post: https://www.crazycrow.com/powder-horns
Regards to all, take care & stay safe.
Friday 29 October 2021
Tuesday 19 October 2021
Wednesday 13 October 2021
Tuesday 28 September 2021
Tuesday 14 September 2021
Critical Extrapolation: An Analysis of the Methodological Deciphering of Runaway Advertisements
Critical Extrapolation: An Analysis of the Methodological Deciphering of Runaway Advertisements.
Monday 13 September 2021
Sunday 5 September 2021
Saturday 4 September 2021
Tuesday 31 August 2021
Friday 27 August 2021
Wednesday 25 August 2021
Tuesday 24 August 2021
My Carrying Strap or Sling on my Fusil.
I just use a large loop of leather tie slipped over the barrel & the stock of my fusil, it is easily fitted & removed. Great for ease of carrying. I do not use this strap for steadying the gun when hunting.
Thursday 12 August 2021
Tuesday 20 July 2021
Tuesday 13 July 2021
Friday 9 July 2021
British Tars, 1740-1790: On Handkerchiefs
Wednesday 7 July 2021
Tuesday 6 July 2021
Sunday 4 July 2021
Tuesday 15 June 2021
Saturday 12 June 2021
Thursday 10 June 2021
Saturday 5 June 2021
Wednesday 2 June 2021
Friday 28 May 2021
Corn Of The Eastern Woodlands.
The Corn Of The
Eastern Woodlands.
The Origin of Corn Of teosinte? Most certainly. Created by selective breeding?
Definitely. Hybridization? A strong possibility. What it took to create
maize was nothing less than science in action - science put into action by
some of Central America’s original Peoples. Theories have evolved over the
decades, and with the implementation of modern DNA analysis, we are, little
by little, getting to know the full story of how corn evolved into the grain
we know today. There are still unknowns, and the actual process has yet
to be replicated or fully proven by researchers. It’s truly a grain
that defies our conventional explanations, yet the history and origin of corn
is certainly known and understood among those who cultivated Her first. Corn’s Native history is one that speaks to its other worldly
design, whether introduced to humans by Selu (Corn Mother aka Corn), or to
have first sprouted from the grave of Sky Woman’s daughter, or be a gift to
us all from benevolent Hare (one of the dueling twins). Make light of Corn’s spirit,
offend Her in some manner, or take Her for granted, and you may find all corn
to disappear. And while some tribal histories speak of famine in Her absence,
imagine if She was to leave us now in a world that relies so much on corn.
Still unknowing much of corn’s earthy start with all our “advance
technology,” this plant has proven itself to be no less than what the Native
histories have already told us… absolutely miraculous. |
The First Corn to Come to the Woodlands Corn made its first real impression as a crop east of the
Mississippi at about 200BC, later becoming widely adapted in the Woodlands by
900AD. A very early variety of corn to be found in some Eastern North
American archaeological sites is North American Pop. This type appears
to come from earlier species like Small Cob (of Mexico) and Chapalote (of
the American Southwest). Pop corn has its positives, particularly in its
ability to be stored almost unmolested by animals and pests that found the
shell to be too hard to mess with, while humans need only grind or of course
“pop” the shell with the application of heat, to make the seeds edible.
But the Pop corn just wasn’t very convincing for Woodland horticulturalists
to fully adopt the new plant. While some Pop corns have been found among a
few early sites of the East just before the major adoption of corn, the
variety appears to be more of a passing trend that doesn’t calculate into the
later widespread corn agricultural complex of the Eastern Woodlands
(Important Note: the popcorn we know, both common and many heritage types,
were post-historic introductions to North America and not of these early type
recovered archaeologically… including the infamous heritage Strawberry Pop
which, according to botany researchers Culter and Blake, are part of a Pop
variety introduced from Mexico within the last few hundred years).
Later a variety called Midwestern 12-Row makes its way to the
lower Mississippi Valley until it’s replaced by the dominant Eastern 8-Row of
later (which then spreads from east to west, to the Rockies). Another variety
of corn to make its way east was Pima-Papago. It spread from the
southwest to the western edges of the Eastern Woodlands too. However again,
it just doesn’t make the lasting impact on Eastern farmers as their soon-to-be
beloved corn species, Eastern 8-Row (including Northern Flint).
Eastern 8-Row reaches as far north and east as Ontario, Canada by
800AD, and by 1000-1200AD, it dominated the corn scene from inland
Mississippi River settlements to Atlantic coastal Nations. The Corn of the East It was the breeding of the new Eastern 8-Row corn, and not earlier
corn types introduced from across the Mississippi, that convinced Eastern
Woodland farmers (who had been cultivating squash, greens, sunflowers and
tobacco for a few thousand years already) to commit in dominating their
fields with the grain and embrace a high corn diet from then on. And it
was Eastern 8-Row/Northern Flint corn in which Europeans first encountered in
the fields and bowls of Native Woodland farmers. It was a popular
variety for many reasons: It was hardy and quick to mature, giving
Native farmers the ability to cultivate corn in regions with shorter growing
seasons such as the northern regions of the Great Lakes, New England and
adjacent areas of Canada. It was hard - it’s pericarp or hull was tough
and made it a hardy grain for storage. Yet, even with a hard hull, it
was edible and tasty with modest processing – it was ground into flour,
parched and cracked, or soaked in lye to produce hominy. And it gave
great return for the work put into cultivating it... it was an amazing grain
uniquely qualified (bred) to grow in the Woodlands. “Flint corn is called by the Choctaw Indians Tanchi Hlimimpa. It is
the only kind of corn the Choctaw Indians in Mississippi had when the white
people found them.” -Peter Hudson |
About Eastern 8-Row/Northern Flint Corn Even if most, or all, were 8-Row Corn type, they were still a
diverse grouping of corn types. Sub-varieties came in different colors
including red and blue (also described as purple or black historically),
however, according to early historical observations, most varieties were
yellow or white in color. A few types were speckled too (later speckled
varieties often referred to as calico corn), however it appears that
corn varieties upon first contacts were not generally as multicolored as
modern decorative Indian corn is today (note: the general speckled
decorative "Indian corn" is of recent modern breeding, like
"sweet corn," and does not reflect all the qualities of Eastern
corn from pre-, proto-, or early post-contact times). - “Pagatowr a kinde of graine so called by the inhabitants; the
same in the West Indies is called Mayze : English men call it Guinney
wheate or Turkie wheate... The graine is about the bignesse of our ordinary
English peaze and not much different in forme and shape: but of [different]
colours: some white, some red, some yellow, and some blew.” -Thomas Hariot,
Explorer, Speaking of the Carolina Native Peoples, 1585-86. - Eastern 8-Row corn came in shorter or longer cobs (sometimes 10 or
more inches in length), however the cobs tended to be slim. As its one
name "Flint" might indicate, it is considered hard (the pericarp),
and often sported 8 rows of kernels, however not always. Some had 10,
or less commonly 12 rows. Besides a hard pericarp, the kernels of the
Eastern 8-Row/Northern Flint corns present no dents (like modern Field corn)
due to the makeup of its starch, and the kernels are generally crescent in
shape, not long. Colors could vary (as covered earlier), though most
the color was in the hull of the kernel (along with much of its nutritional
content). Those of blue had a slight grey hue to their meal when
ground, while some of the palest white produced a very light flour, though
most produced meal of a pale yellow to golden shade. - And just like the corn sub-varieties varied in characteristics, its
intended use did too. Often certain corn types were thought of as
better for one product or another… one type preferred for flour use (dried or
parched), one type preferred for hominy (hulled corn), one type preferred for
whole or cracked parched corn, and one type preferred for green corn (or what
we would think of as sweet corn, however, the sweet corn we eat today is of
modern breeding). Horticultural communities often grew more than one
type of corn, some growing several varieties. - “Corn is their chief produce, and main dependance. Of this they
have three [s]orts ; one of which hath been already mentioned. The [s]econd
[s]ort is yellow and flinty, which they call "hommony-corn." The
third is the large[s]t, of a very white and [s]oft grain, termed
"bread-corn." The first kind is mentioned previously: “the
[s]maller [s]ort of Indian corn, which u[s]ually ripens in two months, from
the time it is planted.” -James Adair, Indian Trader, speaking of the Southern
Nations 1735-75. To keep strains separate (colors, textures, and other
characteristics), each sub-variety had to be grown separate of each other,
spaced by either distance or sowing time, or both. This will not keep
all from cross-pollinating, however Native farmers presumably picked their
seeds for next year’s planting season carefully, disregarding those kernels
from ears with unfavorable traits (ie consuming them), and keeping those
kernels from ears with wanted characteristics for seed. By this method,
corn strains could be manipulated to change, or remain true.
Selectively breeding corn is as old as corn’s man-made introduction itself. |
The corn of the east was bred and spread, whether spread through
trade or warfare. Selective breeding and the sharing of seeds only
continues after first European contacts, adding to the breadth of corn
varieties through the post-contact period. One particular newcomer will
forever change the history of corn in North America - Southern Dent.
Dent corn gets its name from the concave surface at the top of every
kernel. It’s because of this that Dent corn was also known as “tooth
corn” among some Eastern Native peoples, as the dent resembled the impression
on grinding side of a molar. This variety is native to Central America,
and appears to be introduced to Eastern North America by way of
Europeans. The first description of Dent corn in North America comes
shortly after 1700. And it’s not till the 1800’s that the crossing of
introduced Southern Dent with native Northern Flints (Eight-Row Varieties) is
widely practiced. A now trendy heirloom variety born of Eastern North
America - Bloody Butcher - probably originated in the mid 19th century,
the same time crossing Northern Flint and Southern Dent corn types became
commonplace. In fact the testimony from the family who the seeds were
confined to for generations speak about it’s introduction to West Virginia
from Tennessee. Well as it turns out, Tennessee was the center of the
“corn belt,” leading in corn production for the nation in 1838. It was
probably here (and Kentucky and Virginia) that much of this hybrid corn was
created, and where Bloody Butcher likely got its start. Today the “corn
belt” may be a little further west, but the field corn that dominates North
American commercial farms is still a hybrid of Eastern 8-Row/Northern Flint
and Southern Dent varieties. |
Diemer-Eaton, Jessica. (2018, November). The Corn of the Eastern
Woodlands. Retrieved
from http://www.woodlandindianedu.com/cornofeasternwoodlands.html
Tuesday 25 May 2021
Annotated Bibliography on French Colonial Archaeology in North America
Annotated Bibliography on French Colonial Archaeology in North America.
Saturday 22 May 2021
Friday 21 May 2021
Wednesday 19 May 2021
Monday 17 May 2021
Sunday 16 May 2021
Saturday 15 May 2021
Wednesday 5 May 2021
Friday 30 April 2021
SAHUL Australian Migration Map V2
Monday 19 April 2021
A Diet Of Mostly Meat Written by Stefan Pociask
A Diet Of Mostly Meat Written by Stefan Pociask
My sincere thanks to Stefan for allowing me to publish this article, very much appreciated.
… Inuit people, and others of the far, far North. Their diet has very
little vegetable matter of any kind, in many areas. Whale and seal meat and
blubber is their mainstay, along with fish, birds and polar bear. The cuisine
consists of recipes like stinkfish, fish buried in seal bags or cans in the
tundra and left to ferment. And fermented seal flipper; they like that too.
Items made from flour are also occasionally eaten, as this is something they
may trade for.
It would be reasonable to wonder where these people and others, like
the Eskimo (not all native northern people are Eskimo, and some Inuit take
offence to this word), get their vitamins on such a high fat, high protein
diet, when they have access to so few vegetables or plants of any kind. This
question is actually called The Inuit Paradox.
The answer comes from a few sources. Much of the meat eaten, is raw;
certainly blubber, fish and organs. Meat, prior to cooking, does contain quite
a number of vitamins that societies who cook their meat, do not have access to.
Vitamin C, for instance, exists in raw meat and organs, to the extent that raw
meat every day supplies enough Vitamin C to prevent scurvy. Seal brain and
whale skin also contains Vitamin C.
Also, there is another source… although there is some greenery far up
north, it may be limited to only lichen for most of the year.
Lichen is too tough for humans, and in fact most animals, to break
down and properly digest… cooked or not. The “Far North” people have found a
wonderful solution to this. Whenever a lichen-eating animal such as a reindeer
or caribou is hunted, the stomach contents are highly prized! The farther along
the digestive system that the contents are found… the closer it gets to poop…
obviously. But in the first half of the system, the lichen and other plants are
“cooked” by stomach acids and enzymes, breaking them down to a consistency that
is edible, digestible and jammed packed with vitamins. It’s like Inuit
vegetarian ceviche`! Instead of lemon juice, they use stomach acid! Yum!
So… no onions in “Far Northern People’s” cuisine. Barely any plant
matter at all. Yet still they manage.
Gotta love it! Life always finds a way.
And there’s always this famous favorite… Akutaq, or Eskimo Ice Cream, made from anything edible… literally… from fish to caribou to berries:
Akutaq Check out the recipe in that video link. It’s interesting!
Saturday 17 April 2021
Some Woodslore I have learnt
over the years:
If you want to
learn what nature has to teach, you must first understand that you are just
another animal and have a natural place in this environment.
Never rush
through the woods unless you have to, you can miss a lot along the trail by
rushing. Take the time to stop frequently and to look and listen.
Always remember
to look up when in the woods & look out for “widow makers”. Widow Makers are
branches which have broken off and are just hanging there waiting for the wind
to bring them down.
Always check the
safety of the trees around you when choosing a camp site. Especially look out
for widow makers.
Never step onto
a log which may not hold your weight. You never know what may be inside it.
Never step over
a log without knowing what is on the other side.
On very windy
days, it is best not to wander in the woods. Even a small stick from high in a
tree can be driven into the ground.
Never use your
axe for cutting firewood if there is no real need. Plenty of firewood can be
collected from the forest floor, and wood can be broken over a rock or on
another piece of wood.
Pay attention to
the sounds around you, any and all sounds should be watched for. A falling
branch, a falling tree, animal noises, breaking sticks, rolling rocks etc.
Always trust your instincts even though it may seem not to have come to
anything. If it does not feel right, pay attention.
Always clear a
debris free area around your camp fire area and your shelter so that fire can
not spread in the night.
Never make a
fire in very hot weather.
If you do not
want to attract attention, do not make a fire.
Always carry
enough food supplies in case game is scarce.
Always carry
some foods that do not require cooking.
Always carry
your gun loaded when there may be potential danger.
Always use a
hammer boot/cap on your flintlock as a safety precaution.
A gun shot can
be heard for miles in the woods.
There are very
little edible plants available in winter time.
Traps will save
ammunition and they will be working for you while you sleep or are busy with
other chores.
Keep an eye out
for natural shelters on your travels, you never know when you may pass that way
again and be in need of a quick shelter.
Always look
after your equipment and keep it in good order and your blades sharp. Your
tools have specific functions; don’t use them for any other purpose if you
don’t have to.
If you are going
to make a shelter, do it before you make fire. If it starts to rain or snow,
you can make fire under shelter.
Always store
spare kindling at the back of your shelter in case your fire goes out in the
Stack firewood
close so you can stoke the fire without leaving your blanket.
Use rocks at the
back of your fire to reflect some warmth into your shelter. Never use rocks
from a creek or river.
If you dig a
fire pit, use the earth to surround the pit to stop rain water flowing in and
extinguishing your fire.
Make your bed on
a pile of sticks to keep you up off the cold ground and to let water flow under
you should it run through your shelter.
Collect water
for you water bottle at every opportunity. You never know where the next water
source may be.
Water is a
source of food; always follow a water course if you can.
Other animals
can teach you much, pay attention to them. Animals do not naturally rush
through the woods without reason, pay attention. Other animals may have better
hearing and scent than you do, and this can save your life. Pay attention!
Always carry
spare tinder in your pack.
Look for tinders
along the trail if you are getting low.
Make sure to top
up your tinderbox at every fire making if it needs it.
Always have your
fire steel securely tied to your person so that it can not be lost.
Before making
fire, remove your powder horn and place it at the back of your shelter and
cover it with your blanket.
Always try and
set up camp in daylight, and check the camp site for ant and spider nests.
Layer your
clothing on a trek so you can remove or add to suit the temperature. Don’t push
too hard and perspire, if your clothes do get wet in winter, take them off in
front of the fire and dry them out before bedding down, or you will get cold in
the night.
Always carry a
candle with you in your fire bag, it will help to make fire if the kindling is
When your
gunpowder wallet is empty, it is a good place to store spare tinder.
When looking for
dry kindling in wet weather, look under rocks and fallen trees, look in hollow
trees, cut wood from dead trees; under the surface it will be dry.
Prepare several
sizes of kindling before making fire.
Trees will
usually fall down hill, but not always!
The bark will
come off a living tree easier in the summer than in the winter.
Any large animal
is dangerous if wounded.
Snakes can be
slow to move and aggressive in spring, take care where you tread.
When drying your
moccasins in front of the fire, do it slowly! Do not overheat the leather.
Always plug the
vent hole before making fire with the lock of your gun.
Always make sure
your gun can’t fall when not in your hands!
If you should
lose the trail when tracking wounded game, mark the last sign with your
handkerchief or neckerchief or patch cloth and move in ever increasing circles
around your marker until you pick up the sign again. Always take care the game
is not waiting in ambush!
Be sure to
clearly sight your game before you shoot.
Be sure of the
area beyond your target.
A ball or bullet
can ricochet off water.
When using an
axe or hatchet/tomahawk, make sure you are clear should the tool glance off the
Always carry a
bandage for injury or snake bite.
Some people have
survived 3 weeks without food, but depending on exertion and weather conditions
you will need water within 3 days. Always carry water with you.
On long treks,
carry a ball mould and a lead ladle. You can remould the spent lead you
retrieve from game.
Do not use dried
grass or bark as wadding if there is a danger of starting a fire!
Char your tinder
in the fire and extinguish it by placing it in your tinderbox and closing the
Keep some
uncharred tinder in your tinderbox.
Carry your
fireworks in a greased leather fire bag to keep them dry.
Always wrap the
head of your hatchet or use a sheath when carrying.
A button closure
on the flap of your shot pouch will keep all inside safe if you should take a
Wear your powder
horn toward your back when hunting so as to stop sparks landing on the horn.
Seal inside your
lock mortise and barrel channel with beeswax.
A smokeless fire
is made with small dry kindling.
To keep a
straight line in the woods without a compass in daylight, place your back to a
tree and focus on another two successive trees in front of you. When you reach
the first tree, put your back to that tree and repeat.
Marking trees to
mark a trail is a good idea to maintain direction, and to aid you should you
wish to return. But remember, other people can follow your trail.
To keep you
warmer at night with only one blanket, carry extra clothing in your blanket
When packing for
the trail, there must be a compromise between two principles: maximum
self-reliance, and minimum weight.