I found this video a long time ago and did not post it because of the scene with the British officer playing with the children. He is pointing his musket at them!!! We all know the rule about where to point the muzzle!
However, this video is one of the best I have seen and well worth viewing. This is the English New France & Old England Living History group and the Iroquois Indians are a German group. This is how a reenactment should be done, even the camp scenes are spot on. I have yet to see an American reenactment scene as good as this one, these people are acting as though the situation is real.
My thanks to Flintlock & Tomahawk http://flintlockandtomahawk.blogspot.com for posting this video, for I had forgotten all about it. Thanks Ralphus, much obliged. Le Loup.
Friday 11 December 2009
Wednesday 9 December 2009
Monday 7 December 2009
Period Game.
When I went up to feed the chooks early this morning I saw a Hare just outside the cottage. A beautiful animal. we do not see many these days. I hope it stays in my forest.
Sunday 6 December 2009
Mystery Costrel.
This post is curtesy of "The Reverend's Big Blog Of Leather at: http://leatherworkingreverend.wordpress.com/2009/10/18/costrels/
Can anyone identify the water bottle/costrel in the following photos. I hope to add more information on its construction later on, but from what I can see it is either leather covered leather or covered wood. No stitching is visible that I can see.
The Reverend Said: "The way the "foot" is done reminds me of the earthenware maniform costrels of the early 17th century from near London, but the loops don't fit that. The straps appear to have been done as paired slits in the leather and the loop stretched away from what I'm assuming is a wooden core."
Can anyone identify the water bottle/costrel in the following photos. I hope to add more information on its construction later on, but from what I can see it is either leather covered leather or covered wood. No stitching is visible that I can see.
Friday 4 December 2009
Captured By Indians, 1755.
"The party that took us consisted of six Indians and four Frenchmen, who immediately commenced plundering, as I just observed, and took what they considered most valuable; consisting principally of bread, meal, and meat. Having taken as much provision as they could carry, they set out with their prisoners in great haste, for fear of detection, and soon entered the woods".
Living Among the Mohawks, 1644.
In winter, they hang about them simply an undressed deer or bear or panther skin; or they take some beaver and otter skins, wild cat, raccoon, martin, otter, mink, squirrel or such like skins, which are plenty in this country, and sew some of them to others, until it is a square piece, and that is then a garment for them. . . They make themselves stockings and also shoes of deer skin, or they take leaves of their corn, and plait them together and use them for shoes.
We go with them into the woods, we meet with each other, sometimes at an hour or two's walk from any houses, and think no more about it than as if we met with a Christian. They sleep by us, too, in our chambers before our beds. I have had eight at once lying and sleeping upon the floor near my bed, for it is their custom to sleep simply on the bare ground, and to have only a stone or a bit of wood under their heads. In the evening, they go to bed very soon after they have supped; but early in the morning, before day begins to break, they are up again.
They make their houses of the bark of trees, very close and warm, and kindle their fire in the middle of them. They also make of the peeling and bark of trees, canoes or small boats, which will carry four, five and six persons. In like manner, they hollow out trees, and use them for boats, some of which are very large.
Their weapons in war were formerly a bow and arrow, with a stone axe and mallet; but now they get from our people guns, swords, iron axes and mallets.
Living Among the Mohawks, 1644.
In winter, they hang about them simply an undressed deer or bear or panther skin; or they take some beaver and otter skins, wild cat, raccoon, martin, otter, mink, squirrel or such like skins, which are plenty in this country, and sew some of them to others, until it is a square piece, and that is then a garment for them. . . They make themselves stockings and also shoes of deer skin, or they take leaves of their corn, and plait them together and use them for shoes.
We go with them into the woods, we meet with each other, sometimes at an hour or two's walk from any houses, and think no more about it than as if we met with a Christian. They sleep by us, too, in our chambers before our beds. I have had eight at once lying and sleeping upon the floor near my bed, for it is their custom to sleep simply on the bare ground, and to have only a stone or a bit of wood under their heads. In the evening, they go to bed very soon after they have supped; but early in the morning, before day begins to break, they are up again.
They make their houses of the bark of trees, very close and warm, and kindle their fire in the middle of them. They also make of the peeling and bark of trees, canoes or small boats, which will carry four, five and six persons. In like manner, they hollow out trees, and use them for boats, some of which are very large.
Their weapons in war were formerly a bow and arrow, with a stone axe and mallet; but now they get from our people guns, swords, iron axes and mallets.
Woodland Foot Powered Lathe.
If you look carefully toward the end of this video you can see that three trees are being used for this lathe, and you can see the wedge that sets the pressure on the spindle.
Thursday 3 December 2009
17th Century Colonial Clothing.
Clothing and Footwear.
The Jamestown settlers of the middle class were usually dressed in hard wearing, rough clothes made of homespun material, with a slightly better costume for Sunday and holiday wear. In 1622 each Englishman who planned to emigrate to Jamestown was advised to supply himself with the following wearing apparel:
• “One Monmouth cap
• Three falling bands [a neckband or collar of a shirt which turned down over the shoulders].
• Three shirts.
• One waste-coate.
• One suite of Canvase [a suit made of coarse cloth, such as cotton, hemp, tow, or jute].
• One suite of Frize [a woolen fabric with a nap].
• One suite of Cloth.
• Three paire of Irish stockins.
• Foure paire of shooes.
• One paire of garters.
• One doozen of points [a point was a tie or string ending with an anglet and used to join parts of a costume as doublet and hose].”
The women wore plain frocks and petticoats, although a few of the wealthy ladies owned silk, satin, and velvet dresses. Bodices, as a rule, were long pointed, and skirts were full and long.
Period Foods.
"Set off on our journey for Ofwegotchy, against a rapid stream, and being long in it, and our provisions
running short, the Indians put to shore a little before night. My lot was to get wood, others were ordered to get fires and some to hunt.Our Kettle was put over the fire with some pounded Indian Corn, and after it had boiled about two hours, my oldest Indian Brother returned with a She Beaver, big with young, which he soon cut to pieces, and threw into the kettle, together with the guts, and took the four young beavers, whole as they came out of the dam, and put them likewise into the kettle, and when all was well boiled, gave each one of us a large dishful of broth, of which we ate freely, and then part of the Old Beaver, the Tail, of which was divided equally amongst us, there being Eight at our fire; The four young Beavers were cut in the middle, and each of us got half of a Beaver; I watched an oppurtunity to hide my share, having satisfied myself before that tender dish came to hand, which if they had seen, would have much displeased them.
The other Indians catched young Mufk-Rats, run a stick through their bodies, and roafted, without being skinned or gutted, and so eat them."
Cymro Faggot.
Faggots are made of meat fragments left over after pig slaughter, wrapped in membrane that covers the pig's abdominal organs, and shaped like sausages.
Welsh (Cymro) Rabbit.
Grated cheese mixed with ale or wine and mustard. Spread on toast and heat until browning.
English Cake Bread.
Take one Gallon of flowre, two pound of Currans, and one pound of butter or better, a quarter of a pound of sugar, a quarter of a pint of Rose-water, halfe an ounce of nutmeg, & half an ounce of Cinnamon, two egs, then warm cream, break the butter into the flower, temper all these with the creame, and put a quantity of yest amongst it, above a pint to three gallons, wet it very lide, cover your Cake, with a sheet doubled, when it comes hot out of the Oven; let it stand one hour and a half in the Oven.
Archimagirus Anglo-Gallicus; Or, Excellent & Approved Receipts and Experiments in Cookery, 1658.
To make an Oatmeal-pudding.
Take a pint of Milk, and put to it a pint of large, or midling Oatmeal, let it stand on the Fire till it be scalding hot, then let it stand by, and soak about half an hour, then pick a few sweet Herbs, and shred them, and put in half a pound of Currans, and half a pound of Suet, and about two spoonfuls of Sugar, and three or four Eggs; these put into a bag, and boyled, do make a very good Pudding.
The Accomplish'd Lady's Delight In Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, and Cookery, 1675
To make an Oatmeal Pudding boyled.
Take the biggest Oatmeal, mince what herbs you like best and mix with it, season it with Pepper and Salt; tye it strait in a bag; and when it is boyled, butter it and send it up.
The whole Body of Cookery Dissected, 1661
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