Sunday 30 July 2017

Friday 28 July 2017

17C American Women: 1590 John White's Return to Roanoke Where All Had ...

17C American Women: 1590 John White's Return to Roanoke Where All Had ...: John White's Drawing of the Outer Banks and Roanoke 1584 Return To Ronoake of John White (1590) John White's Map of Roanoke ...

Help Us Protect Hunting & Gun Ownership In Australia.

Help us protect hunting
The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party on on the attack after new regulations have been delivered. Here is how it will affect you and what you can do to help. 
The Liberal - National New South Wales Government has released a consultation draft of the proposed Firearms Regulation 2017 and Weapons Prohibition Regulation 2017.
In a move reminiscent of John Howard’s 1996 gun reforms, these are some of the most draconian regulations ever.
These regulations, if passed in their current form, will affect every licensed firearm owner, hunting club and firearms dealer in New South Wales.
Here are just a few ways these new regulations will hurt law-abiding firearms owners:
Forcing all hunters and private landowners to supply private personal details to New South Wales Police before being allowed to hunt on private land (clause 32, 34 Draft Firearms Regulations 2017).

Refusing a firearms license or permit even if someone is innocent of an offence under the Firearms Act (clause 11, 23 Draft Firearms Regulations 2017).

Squeezing law-abiding firearms dealers out of business through further regulation and restriction (clause 41 Draft Firearms Regulations 2017).
As they’ve always done, the Government are punishing law-abiding firearms owners for the actions of criminals.
They know full well that the increase in law-abiding firearms owners is largely due to the increase in recreational hunting. They’re attacking legitimate hunters from safely going about their business and slowly trying to kill off all licensed firearms ownership.
Regulations, unlike Bills and Acts, do not have to come before the Parliament to be voted on. They are put in place by the the Minister for Police, National Party MP Troy Grant.
You can help RIGHT NOW.
The draft Firearms Regulation 2017 and draft Weapons Prohibition Regulation 2017 have been released for public consultation.
The closing date for submissions is 5pm on Monday 31 July 2017.
Please click on the following links for the:
Let the Government know that you don’t appreciate being treated like a criminal in waiting.
There is no set format for submissions if you wish to make comments and you can keep your comments private if you choose so.
Email submission to (preferred option): firearms@mpes.nsw.gov.au
Our Loose Cannon writer, Firearms Lawyer Simon Munslow, has written a document which will assist you in writing to your local politicians and the NSW Police Minister to put the heat on the government over this issue.  You can download Simon Munslow's Correspondence Guide here.
Post submissions to:
Firearms Submissions
Office for Police, Department of Justice
GPO Box 5434
Submissions must be received no later than 5.00pm Monday 31 July 2017.

Monday 24 July 2017

The Shirttail Mess : About

The Shirttail Mess : About: The Shirttail Mess is a group of like minded individuals in the mideast and midwest (Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois etc...) w...

Sunday 16 July 2017

Update On Our Group's New Forum.

Well the help people still haven't replied, either there are a lot of complaints, or they are just bloody useless. I gave up trying to change the forum via their board, & found another way. I have not done too badly considering, & it looks as though the forum is usable. More problems may arise, but if they do I will work on it. Better than having to start a new forum elsewhere & lose all those years of posts & information. The new forum looks different to the old one, I have installed new & different images in some of the sections. Check it out for yourselves at: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/eighteenthcenturylivinghistory/index.php?sid=75d999d1f3064aa04a403a813cc2cb2a

Friday 14 July 2017


Our official forum has been taken over by some mongrel service called TAPATALK. I have been unable to change anything on the new forum & I am unable to log in to their complaints department & feed-back forum. So it looks as though we are dead in the water!!! I will see if there is another service we can move to, but all those years of work & information that has gone into our old forum will be lost. I honestly don't know if I have the energy or the enthusiasm to start all over again.

IF this new service should come good, if this is just a glitch, then I will go to work & try & change things back as close as I can to what we had before. WATCH THIS SPACE as they say!
Regards, Keith.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Ogdensburg Founder's Weekend kicks off Friday with ghost stories, mock battles, camp life, demonstrations

OGDENSBURG -- French and Indian War re-enactors, period craftspeople and artisans will rendezvous on Van Rensselaer (Lighthouse) Point this coming weekend for the annual Founder’s Weekend Re-enactment and Colonial Trade Fair. A full schedule of military re-enactments, camp life demonstrations and primitive skills workshops are scheduled for July 14, 15 and 16.

Market fair set at Johnson Hall

JOHNSTOWN — An 18th- century market fair will be held at Johnson Hall State Historic Site, 139 Hall Ave., on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. 
Throughout both days, colonial sutlers (vendors) will offer their wares for sale.
Demonstrations of 18th-century daily life will add to the event, including an encampment, period dram (tavern) demonstration, and colonial toys and games. In the slave quarters, culinary historian and hearth cooking specialist Lavada Nahon will demonstrate open-hearth cooking and interpret historic African and African-American food ways.

Saturday 8 July 2017

17C American Women: 1606 Instructions for the Virginia Colony

17C American Women: 1606 Instructions for the Virginia Colony: Captain Smith and his adventurers In the 1st decade of the 17C England began a second round of colonizing attempts. This time jointstock...

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Monday 3 July 2017

Sunday 2 July 2017

17C American Women: The Evolution of the Virginia Colony 1611-1624

17C American Women: The Evolution of the Virginia Colony 1611-1624: Almost from the start, investors in the Virginia Company in England were unhappy with the accomplishments of their Jamestown colonists. They...