This site is worth checking out for information on "Mad Anne Bailey". This is a good example of a pioneer woman becoming a woodswoman. Here is piece from the site:
"It was also time for Anne to change her style of dress. She would be clad for revenge in an old petticoat, a man’s great coat and hat, and buckskin leggings that reached from hips to feet. Those feet sometimes sported moccasins, sometimes a pair of men’s sturdy shoes. Around her head was tied a bandana the hue of any one of many lonely wilderness campfires that would warm her in the coming years. That red scarf held in place her hair, said to be long, grizzled and matted. In addition to a tomahawk and a knife, about her person hung a bullet-pouch and a powder horn. A good and sturdy rifle completed her outfit". Copyright Mary Trotter Kion 2005.
More information here: http://www.wvculture.org/History/notewv/madanne4.html
You have a terrific Blog site. Very enjoyable reading.
Thanks Molly. Let me know when you get your blog up and running.
Regards, Le Loup.
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