Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Pirates Event.

An original 18th century pirate flag.

That aside, over the weekend of Feb 3rd through Feb 5th 2017, in Ashland, Ohio (north/central Ohio, USA) in support of the annual Put-in-Bay pirate festival, a group of the reenactors and pirate enthusiasts gather for a weekend of making (and repairing) our gear and clothing,
The main purpose of this weekend, is for those of us with more historical knowledge and skills, to teach and assist others in getting their gear to be more authentic. That said, this Make/Mend weekend is basically an advertisement for a festival that has very relaxed standards of authenticity, and an air of acceptance, with a passive encouragement to improve the level of authenticity in the participants.
The weekend starts Friday evening, and goes throughout all day Saturday, and into later Sunday afternoon. Cost is TDB, but is based off the rental of the space, divided by the number of attendees that actually show up (it has averaged $10-$15 per person for the last few years we have been doing this). Cost is flat, whether you can attend only a single day, or come for the entire duration.
Most who attend this event either day trip, or stay at a local hotel (participants try to all choose the same hotel, to give Saturday night a more celebratory air), as no "official" accommodations are available. We have contrived cheap/free very modest accommodations in the past, but we can not guarantee this... So if your attendance is contingent of cheap/free accommodations, please reach out to me privately, and we can talk.
Obviously, this event has been focused for the Put-in-Bay pirate festival participants, and acts as a further attempt to rope folks into that, but I thought I would open this up to a broader audience in case anyone within reasonable commuting distance was interested. Attending the Put-in-Bay pirate festival, or any other reenactment, I myself, or any of the other organizers support is not required for this.
Let me know if you are interested!

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