Wednesday, 4 April 2012

18th Century Bannock or Bannoch.

I don't know how far back the recipe for the early Bannock goes in Scotland, but someone in the 14th century stated that the Scottish soldiers always carried an iron plate and a bag of oats in their pack. If you look up a recipe for bannock these days, you will find all sorts of modern ingredients, but back in the 14th to 18th centuries it was a simple mix of oats, sometimes barley, water and salt. Very often just oats and water and salt if they had any.
I have cooked Bannock in the ashes of my camp fire, and on a rock in my camp fire. It is easy to produce and makes a good trail food. Recently I was asked to make a video of making Bannock, so I made Bannock in my kitchen which was a lot easier to video. Instead of using a Girdle, later known as a griddle, I used my black iron pan.

About a cupped handful of oats and the same of barley flour is a quarter of a cup, which is enough for one small Bannock. Or you can use just oats. Salt to taste if you wish.

Mix the ingredients together and then add enough water to make a stiff paste.

Shape the bannock dough and place in a pan or place on a hot rock or in the ashes. I use a little oil or grease when using a pan.

Don't make your fire up too hot, you want the Bannock to cook right through not just burn on the outside.

Turn occasionally to check how it is cooking. Once it is toasted or browned on both sides and a test with a knife confirms it is cooked inside, then it is ready to remove from the pan.

A Girdle or Griddle and a Bannock spade.


Akiri said...

Thanks for recipe, must try myself :)

Keith said...

You are very welcome Akiri. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Regards, Keith.

Gorges Smythe said...

I've never tried it. I really should.

ladyestelle said...

I will try this for my demonstration of hearth cooking at the Hearthside House, where I am a docent and cook. This should be easy and fast. Thank you for sharing.
Come check us out

Keith said...

You are very welcome Estelle. Good to hear from you again. Good luck with your demonstration.
Regards, Keith.