Friday, 14 December 2007

Who we are and what we do.

Who we are and what we do.
We, the New England Colonial Living History Group are dedicated to the study of the New World frontier lifestyle by means of literary research and experimental archaeology. We are living historians and historical trekkers, which means we are also experimental archaeologists studying and emulating to the best of our ability the period of 1700-1760. This also involves some research into the late 17th century.
As is the purpose of an archaeologist, to establish facts about people in a particular time period, we establish facts and an understanding of the people and their lifestyle in the early to mid 18th century. This is accomplished through experimentation in various historical situations, often in a wilderness setting, by using clothing, arms and equipment that was in use between 1680 and 1760 on the New World frontier to accomplish historical tasks and everyday living activities that involve period living skills and primitive wilderness survival skills.

We are not historical re-enactors involved in public displays, we practice our skills and experimental archaeology in the privacy of Wychwood Forest. We do however encourage the public to approach us for historical information, and we welcome enquiries for membership. The following is a list of interests that are in some way linked to our activities:

Daniel Boone lifestyle/ mountain men /woodsmen/ woodswomen/ woodsrunner/ Indians/ woodland Indians/ woods-women/ 18th century living history/ 18th century hunting/ camping skills/ historical trekking/ wilderness survival/ longhunters/ Scouts/ 18th century militia/ survival skills/ primitive skills/ archery/ muzzle-loading/ period fishing/ primitive shelter construction/ primitive fire lighting/ flint and steel fire lighting/ fire-bow fire lighting/ reading glass fire lighting/ spinning and loom weaving/ finger weaving/ moccasin construction/ wild plant identification/ tinder plants/ tinder preparation/ tomahawk throwing/ muzzleloader/flintlock

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