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Monday 10 May 2010

Period Survival Food. Jerusalem Artichoke.

It is said that once you have planted Jerusalem Artichokes you will always have them and never starve. I have heard that colonial settlers grew jerusalem artichokes, but they do not get as much mention as the "three sisters".
Our patch of Jerusalem Artichokes before they flowered.

The same patch now after the first frosts. Time for harvesting and drying.

The tubers need to be harvested after the first frosts, but you can leave some in the ground for next years crop. They will not keep for long once dug, so they need to be used, raw or cooked, or you can cut and dry them. You do not have to peel them, providing they are cleaned well, but if you want to peel them you will find it easier after cutting the protrusions off.

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