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Monday 10 May 2010

More On Jerusalem Artichokes.

I dug up the first small batch today, washed, cut and scraped them. I find it much easier to scrape than to peel, but you need to be good with a knife. I did not mess about much and cut where needed, the scraps go to the chooks.
These have just been washed.

It took me about 5 minutes to cut and scrape. I don't scrape them all, they are pretty clean after washing, and I am not bothered about dark marks on the skin.

I cut up some fresh pumpkin to go with the jerusalem artichoke. Once cooked they will be mashed together.

It all looks very good in my 18th century brass trade kettle. Now I have to find something to go with it for dinner tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Used these alot in Culinary School. Thanks for getting some of these wild foods out in the open :)
