Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 14 November 2009

The Three Sister & The Colonial Garden.

The three sisters is the name given to three vegetables that the woodland Indians always grew and were most important to them for survival. These were/are beans, corn, and pumpkins. If you look into the medical and nutritional properties of these vegetables you will understand why they are so important.
We still have other beans to plant, but we planted broad beans in winter and they withstood the frosts and we have been eating beans since spring.
We have the corn in and the pumpkins and the last good rainfall has brought them all up. We have also planted Jerusalem Artichokes as they were a mainstay of colonial settlers along with their corn.
The above image shows our first garden site at the new house. This snake fencing or dog leg fencing keeps all out but the rabbits and possums and other small rodents.


  1. Hi Le Loup, I was just reading through and it didn't strike me at first but you are starting your planting season whilst our harvesting is nearly done. I forget how the internet makes the world seem so small at times and how far the distances between fellow bloggers really are.

  2. True Murphy. I was born in West Sussex but have been in Australia for over 40 years now. I am still not used to having xmas in summer!!!
