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Saturday 14 November 2009

Hunting With A Flintlock.

The camera work is not so great, but good enough to show that hunting with a flintlock can still be done and that it is just as effective as a modern gun. A good flintlock is a wise choice for survival situations now just as much as it was 300 years ago.


  1. Thanks for spreading the word Loup! I've put 6 deer in 3 years with my flintlocks. Last year I dropped a big doe at 130 yards (iron sights mind you). Flintlocks get a bum rap in the muzzleloading world hear in the States, but they sure as hell can put meat on the table!

  2. You are very welcome Norsman, different countries but we are both on the same side. Great to see another blog spreading the word.
    Regards, Le Loup.
