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Monday 30 January 2012

Tardy of Late! New Images, New Book.

Researching is a lengthy process and never ending. Thinking is like that too for me! I have not had time to post recently because I have been busy photographing equipment and accoutrements for my new book, The New World Woodsman 1700-1760. His clothing, arms and equipment.
Then, as I have aquired more information on period fire lighting we decided to revise my book Primitive Fire Lighting. Flint and Steel and Fire-Bow, and make it a part of the new book. This has meant a lot of extra work, taking photos and transfering photos from files to files! Anyway, here is a peek preview of some of the new images.

A 19th century tobacco box with a burning glass in the lid. I must caution that this item is best not used for preparing charred tinder, or used for making fire in the tin itself, as this is likely to damage the burning glass. This item is often touted to be a Hudson Bay tinderbox, which it is not.

This is my personal fire steel that I carry with me. This is a copy of an original 18th century English steel, made by Mr Glen Mitchell of Pioneer Forge Victoria.

My Spanisg Escopeta flint lock with gold inlay. Note that the main spring is on the outside of the lock. The hammer face is screwed on so it can be replaced.

A tea bag  in my cup!


  1. When I started out in photography most things were taken in their natural environment. Work I did for the Government was staged a little but generally in the work place. When I started taking pics of historical items, then I did the same thing. I would use blankets & linen or fur as a background. This was okay in magazines with good image reproduction, but when I saw the images reproduced in my book, I was not impressed with the quality.
    Mostly it did not matter, the written word was more important, but with my new book the images are important, it is more of an illustrated encyclopedia than a skills instruction book.
    Hence the change in my photography. Now I have a mini studio with LED lighting. It is more important to show items clearly, than it is to make them look natural.

  2. Tea? Just perfect for my cookies! I am following from Rome!

  3. Welcome Francesca. I am very pleased to have you onboard. Nothing like cookies & tea under canvas on a cold rainy day.
    Regards, Keith.
