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Saturday 24 July 2010

18th Century Flip-Can.

Well I now know that a flip-can is a brown glazed stoneware jug made for holding flip, and it was made in Fulham. But I do not know the size or shape.

This is what was enscribed on Selkirk's flip-can:

Alexander Selkirk. This is my one.
When you me take on board of ship,
Pray fill me full with punch or flip.
I think we are looking at something like this:

New England Almanac for 1704 under December:-

"The days are short, the weather's cold,
By tavern fires tales are told.
Some ask for dram when first come in,
Others with flip and bounce begin."

This one supplied by Dave Reid.
"Where dozed a fire of beechen logs that bred

Strange fancies in its embers golden-red,
And nursed the loggerhead, whose hissing dip,
Timed by wise instinct, creamed the bowl of flip."


  1. "Where dozed a fire of beechen logs that bred
    Strange fancies in its embers golden-red,
    And nursed the loggerhead, whose hissing dip,
    Timed by wise instinct, creamed the bowl of flip."

    Flip reminds me a little of German Glühwein and English hot toddys. Adding spices and heat to alcohol seemed popular in the day. I read you can even add an egg to flip before plunging the hot poker in.

  2. Great feedback Dave, thank you.

  3. Your a gentleman sir,
    Cheers Dave

  4. Coming from you sir, that is a compliment indeed.
