Quotes on the editor of this blog

Friday 19 October 2018

Any signatures from S.S.A.A. members???

Imagine if all the members of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia were to sign this petition. Then we could get somewhere. But it is NOT going to happen! Why? Because the S.S.A.A. is in it for itself, not for the gun owners. It makes money from running it's gun ranges, so why should it allow anyone to use a muzzle-loading pistol off range?!
The shooting public in Australia, for the most part, is fractured. We don't have anyone like the NRA in Australia. Regardless what you think of NRA policies in America, at least they back all gun owners, they protect their rights.
I have signed petitions for paintball enthusiasts, & gun owners in general across the board, but when it comes to a minority such as the muzzle-loading & black powder enthusiasts, few people give a damn. Very sad state of affairs.

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