Quotes on the editor of this blog

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Fire Lighting Quotes.

Lov na race; čakališče na jezeru pri jami Lisišče (1759) by  Franz Anton von Steinberg which depicts waterfowl hunting.

"There happened to be an iron pot and an ax on board--- they cut off a piece of the boat rope, and picked it to oakum, and putting it in the pan of a gun, with some powder, catched it on fire, which with some thin pieces cut from the mast, they kindled in the pot, and then cut up their mast, seats, &c. for fuel, and making a tent of their sail, wrapt themselves as well as they could;"
From The Pennsylvania Gazette, 1765, 3 men trapped in the ice in their boat during a waterfowl hunt and likely to freeze to death:

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