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Friday 15 December 2017

Australian Survival and Preppers..: How to join the fight to save your way of life

Australian Survival and Preppers..: How to join the fight to save your way of life: http://www.sportingshooter.com.au/gun-law/how-to-join-the-fight-to-save-your-way-of-life-the-loose-cannon?utm_medium=email&utm_campai...

This applies to muzzle-loader gun owners too. Muzzle-loading guns as far as the government is concerned are the same as breach-loading guns, all are bundled in together. You can own an antique flintlock but are not allowed to shoot it. The government does not class ALL flintlocks as being the same! You can not own a replica flintlock pistol unless you have an "H" class license, & even then the only place you can shoot it is on a club range with club membership.

Our law makers are totally ignorant when it comes to firearms. We need to ALL pull together & fight this injustice.


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