Quotes on the editor of this blog

Monday 13 February 2017

Wood Bison & Powder Horns.

"Woodland buffalo east of the Appalachians were hunted to extinction by the end of the 17th century, making their horns difficult if not impossible to obtain for powder horns.  Powder horns made from Woodland bison during the Colonial wars are unknown.  Most of the Woodland bison horns are plain.  Rare examples of these horns have a pattern of brass pins hammered into the butt plug of the horn.   Within a circle of pins there is a design of pins.  Based on Indian lore, Some researchers believe that the pattern of pins represent a constellation of stars visible on the night a baby was born, giving the child a lifetime sign".


  1. Recently started reading your blog. Your header drawing impresses me. Do you by chance know who the artist is? Very talented, I say.

  2. Good day to you Caddie & welcome. This is all the info that was available on that painting.
    Hunter and two dogs. Unidentified Artist
    After Jean-Baptiste Oudry, French (Paris 1686 - 1755 Beauvais)
    Regards, Keith.
