Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 10 April 2010

Shaving in the 18th century.

Many people say that beards are not authentic for the 18th century, this of course simply is not true. Whislt it may be true that being clean shaven was the fashion, that does not mean that everyone was clean shaven! Having a beard is and was always a personal choice and whilst clean shaven men outnumbered those with beards, beards were still worn in the 18th century. 
This image of an 18th century razor borrowed from Smokepoles at: http://smokepoles.blogspot.com/2010/04/here-are-few-of-my-razors.html
This blog is well worth a look see and I think it will get even better as time goes on.

Apparently in the larger version of this 18th century painting three men can be seen with beards.

Twenty pounds reward

Run away from... Alexandria, Fairfax County Virginia, a convict servant man, named John Murphy, born in Ireland, about 28 Years of Age, by trade a joiner, a low set fellow, about 5 feet 4 inches high, struts in his walk, has a pale complexion, large black beard and eyebrows, wide mouth, and pleasant countenance, sings extraordinarily well, having followed it in playhouses in London, talks proper English, and that in a polite manner... It is imagined he has forged a pass and likely will deny his name, trade and place of nativity.

NB All Masters of Vessels are forbid to take him off at their Peril. (August 1760)


  1. Hi Le Loup,
    Followed your lead and linked onto that nutty dwarf bloke, think that your right about him becoming an interesting chap to follow.

  2. Yes I like his way and manner John. He has an interest in muzzle-loading guns, but he has just started to get interested with other 18th century items used in the same period. I for one will be interested to see what he comes up with.

  3. Nice :) Thanks for the words, I hope you enjoy my ramblings as I have been enjoying your site.

    I'll be posting a few more of my 1800's attachments as time moves on. I'm working on a interesting line up that may or may not work lol We shall see :)

  4. Good lead to an interesting post. Left a comment there. Thanks.

  5. You are very welcome. He has a cooking blog also.
