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Wednesday 11 November 2009

Trade Goods 1716.

Winter Trade By Griffing.
Trade payment In Deerskins. South Carolina 1716
• Goods ---------------------- Buckskin
• A Gun.---------------------- 30
• Yard Strouds.--------------- 7
• A Duffield Blanket. ----------14
• A Yard Half Thicks.--------- 3
• A Hatchet.------------------ 2
• A narrow Hoe.-------------- 2
• A broad Hoe.--------------- -4
• Fifty Bullets.---------------- 1
• A Butcher’s Knife.----------- 1
• A pair Cizars.---------------- 1
• Three Strings Beads.-------- 1
• Eighteen Flints.-------------- 1
• An Ax.----------------------- 4
• A Pistol.--------------------- 20
• A Cutlash.------------------- 8
• A Shirt.---------------------- 4
• A Steel.---------------------- 1
• A Calico Petticoat.----------- 12
• A red Girdle.----------------- 2
• A laced Hatt.----------------- 8
• A Clasp Knife.---------------- 1
• A Yard Cadis.---------------- 1
• Rum, mixed with1/3 Water; per bottle.-- 1
Salt, Gunpowder, Kettles,
Looking Glasses--------------- As you can
W.L. McDowell, ed, Journals of the Commissioners of the Indian Trade, September 20, 1710-August 29, 1718 (Columbia: South Carolina Archives Department, 1955),

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