Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 7 November 2009

Captivity-Indian Raids on Colonial Settlers.

On the last of February 1703/4 the French and indians came & surprized our fort & took it, and after they had broken into our house & took us prisoners, they Barbariously murdered a Brother & Sister of mine, as they did several of our neighbours. They rifled our house & then marched away with us that were captives, and set our house & barn afire, as they did ye greatest part of ye town. when ye greatest part of ye Enemy were gone out of town there come some English from ye next town yt drove those indians yt remained in ye town away, but they were quickly driven back again by the rest of ye Army, 9 of ym were slain as they retreated.
Then they marched a little further stoped for they had several wounded men that hindered them. There they tould us yt if the English persued ym they would kill us, but if otherwyse they would not. But they quickly proved ymselves Lyars for before they departed from yt place yy barbariously murdered a child of about two years old. there my master took away my English shoes and gave me indian ones in ye room of ym wch I think were better to travail in. then we marched 5 or 6 miles further were we took up our Lodging. Then one English man run back to Deerf: which provoked ym much: they told us if any more ran away they would burn ye rest. there they slew our negro man. they next morning we travailed about 2 or 3 miles they murdered my ever honored Mother who having gone over smal river which water runing very swift flung her down She being wet was not able to travail any further. We travailed 8or 9 mile further & Lodged yt night.
There were some disturbed for some had five or six captives & others none. then they called ye captives together to make a more Equal distribution. but I remained wth my former master. here they searched me And took away my silver buttons & buckels wch I had on my shirt. Before we came to a small river named ye westriver about thirty miles above Deerf: they murdered 3 or 4 more persons. Wn they came to ye west river where they had slays & Dogs wth which they drew there wounded men they travailed. (we thought as if they delighted to kill us all, to eyly travaled 35 or 40 miles a day.
Stephen Williams 1703-1704.

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