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Monday 12 October 2009

Woodland Indian Centre Seam Soft Sole Moccasin Pattern. Courtesy Of Native Technology And Art.

Making a paper pattern for moccasins:
(use the same pattern left and right moccasins)
1. Place feet (or tracings) on either side of center line of paper with 1" between heels and edge of paper.
Each heel should be 1/2" away from the center line, and the balls of the feet below the big toes should be 1/4" away from the center-line of the paper.
2. Even with the heels, mark points E and E' (1/2" from the center-line and 1" from the edge of the paper) Also mark points D and D' (1/2" from the center-line at the edge of the paper).
3. Mark point A by following a line from the base of the big toe to the center-line.

4. Draw curve around top of foot 1/2 " from toes from point A to just above little toe.
5. To find points B and B', measure the circumference around the (widest part) ball of the foot and place half the distance on either side of the center-line where the ball of the foot is, mark this point. Now measure 1/2 " straight down and 1/2" straight out.
6. Finish drawing the curve around the top of the foot to point B and to point B'.
7. Drop an imaginary line straight down from each of the marked points for the circumference of the foot, this marks the bottom of the moccasin cuff at the heel. Another imaginary line connecting this point with point B shows where the cuff will be folded down at the ankle.
8. To draw the front corners of the cuff, draw a 2" line from point B, perpendicular to the imaginary fold-over line for the cuff.
9. Maintain a 2" cuff width to find point C at the rear corner of the cuff. Connect point C with point D at the heel by drawing a slight curve that intrudes no more than 1/4" from the edge of the paper.

Make sure paper pattern fits foot around instep and at heel before cutting out of leather.

After cutting out the paper pattern, fabric or felt can be used to practice stitching.

Sew inside out: Seam A to B/B' and seam D/D' to C/C'. Use a combination of whip stitch and running stitch (it's easier to pucker the toe using the running stitch). Cut slits (for heel tab) from D to E and D' to E' only after the toe is stitched, and proper fit is checked.

Right side out, use the whip stitch in sewing the seam for the heel tab.

Some variations in Trimming the Heel Tab.

Cut thong from a scrap of leather by cutting from the perimeter of the scrap, in a spiral, towards the center. Use the thong to keep the moccasin snug. stitch the thong to two places at the back of the moccasin, or punch holes below the cuff, and wrap the thong around to the front and tie it in the back.
When I make mine I use much the same pattern, but I add the flaps/cuff seperately and make it longer so it comes up the ankle where I wrap it around and use the tie on the moccasin to tie it in place. Also I do not sew the thong in place. I either do not attach it at all, or I make holes in the side of the moccasins to thread the thong through.
I would like to personally thank Native Technology And Art for supplying this moccasin pattern free on the net. Please visit their site at: http://www.nativetech.org/clothing/moccasin/mocinstr.html
You will also find them in my links section.


  1. Excellent!
    Much thanks, I have been looking for a good, easy-to-follow moc pattern for a long time.

  2. Hi Berserker, thanks for the comment, I am glad you found something useful here. Actually I made my original pattern from the
    "Craft Manual of North American Indian Footwear" By George M. White. I will see if I can scan the pattern for here as an alterative.
    Good luck with the moccasins, if you need any help just ask.
    Regards, Keith/Le Loup.

  3. I am going to use this pattern to make baby moccasins for my future children. thank you!!!

  4. Good one, glad you like it Jo. Just to the left of this post you will find a Buy Now button if you want a DVD on moccasin making, or you can go to my channel & view them for free:
    Regards, Keith.
