Quotes on the editor of this blog

Monday 5 October 2009

Man and his Wife at Dinner.

Man and his Wife at Dinner.
1. Is their Pot boiling with Homony and Fish in it.
2. Is a Bowl of Corn, which they gather up with their Fingers, to feed themselves.
3. The Tomahawk, which he lays by at Dinner.
4. His Pocket, which is likewise stript off, that he may be at full liberty.
5. A Fish.
6. A heap of roasting Ears. } both ready for dressing.
7. The Gourd of Water.
8. A Cockle shell, which they sometimes use instead of a Spoon.
9. The Mat they sit on
Note that the Tomahawk is the original Indian club, not the English trade tomahawk like a hatchet.

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