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Thursday 1 October 2009

Did Woodsrunners & Traders Have Trouble With Pirates?!

Original Pirate flag. Not all pirate flags were the same but often included skulls and crossed bones in it's design.
There were women pirates too!

"pirates in great numbers infest the Hudson River at its mouth and waylay vessels on their way to Albany. . . ."


  1. "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" got me interested in pirates. I did some research on the subject when that movie came out, and was shocked to find that women were pirates! Not just "there were women pirates," but there were notorious lady pirates such as Anne Bonny and Mary Read.

  2. Yes those are Anne Bonny and Mary Reed above. There was also a notorious Irish woman whos name escapes me at present but apparently she was a real terror!
    Regards, Le Loup.
