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Friday 28 August 2009

Wine Use In The Colonies.

Nothing like a nice wine to finish off the day around the camp fire after trekking in and constructing your primitive shelter.

However by the mid 18th century, longer, flat-sided bottles were designed which would lie down, their corks kept wet by contact with the wine. As a consequence wine making now took on a new dimension. As a consequence today’s great names of Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Rhine first started to be spotted. In Italy eighty percent of people were earning their living from wine and in France there were massive plantings rolling southwards from Paris. Also the vine had moved abroad thanks to explorers, colonists and missionaries. It went to South America with the Spaniards, S. A. with French Huguenots, and to Australia with the Brit . Could anything stop this tide of wine expansion?

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