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Sunday 23 August 2009

Recognising Natural Shelters in the Woods.

You can miss such a lot when in the woods and it is a good idea to train your brain to notice things around you. This might be a good camping spot or some tinder plants or natural shelters. You never know when a natural shelter might come in handy in a sudden rainstorm. I have used natural shelters many times when Historical Trekking in the forest, hollow trees both standing and lying down, some that need my oil cloth to complete the roof or maybe a burnt out termite mound. Some of these termite mounds are large enough to stand up in. Ones like this one in the attached picture afford room for shelter or as a safe fire place in dry weather.


  1. Hi Keith,

    Just wondering with the termite mound, have heard they make good cooking ovens but have not seen one.

    the termite dirt from these mounds maybe able to used as reconstituted bricks or hard surface on dirt floors.

    Any info on these please?


  2. Hi Kim, yes they would indeed make a good oven and they come in all sizes. As far as using the material for mud bricks etc I had thought the same thing, but I have no information on it. Certainly worth trying.
    Regards, Keith.
