Quotes on the editor of this blog

Friday, 19 April 2013

Bow use in the 18th Century. Images.

Italian Duck Hunters.

The Archers, by Sir Henry Raeburn. 1789-1790.


  1. Nice!

    These mostly have a "aristocratic Englishman indulging in the National Passtime" look to me, as opposed to "hillbilly huntin' up dinner" - but neat to see! (And the boy in that last better watch his wrist! :p )

    Saw your "birch bark knife sheath" article in a magazine here in the US - VERY COOL! Congratulations Loup!

  2. These are not meant to represent boys learning to use bows in the colonies, they are just the best 18th century pics I could come up with. Not meant to be an article, just trying to promote your blog & post.

  3. Oh, I quite understand - and thank you so much!
