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Saturday, 23 February 2013

Australian Natives Hunting Kangaroos.


  1. Do the whites ever eat kangaroo? They seem to be plentiful. I had what was supposed to be kangaroo tail soup one time, but it tasted like mutton to me.

  2. Kangaroo meat is one of the best meats, low in fat. It is sold in our supermarkets.
    Country people still hunt their own when needed. I used to like it mixed with mutton & made into sausages.

  3. ah yes, the woomera/atlatl. A weapon I know well. Love flinging spears at tress. Too bad they're not legal to use in my state for hunting.

  4. Thanks for your reply, Keith. I'm glad to know that. Like our white-tailed deer, their population needs controlled from what I can see.
