Quotes on the editor of this blog

Sunday 16 December 2012

Its good news week, someone dropped a bomb somewhere Etc Etc !

The good news is I managed to track down the gunsmith. I feared he had gone out of business as I was unable to contact him. But this afternoon we took a trip & tracked him down. Lovely chap, very helpful. Knows his stuff. He was able to identify two of the guns on the spot, and by the time we got home he had confirmed that the Belgium barrel was also an antique & pre 1900ad.
Thank you Tony, you are a champion.

Now for the paperwork and the cost! All because a police officer was ignorant of the firearms legislation and had no general knowledge of firearms and was unable to perform his duties in regards to firearms checks correctly. If this had been about moderm breechloaders I could understand it, but all this over two incomplete muzzle-loading guns and one percussion muzzleloader that is quite obviously not of modern make? What a farce.


  1. Gun control is always a farce, Keith. This situation exemplifies why...

  2. Bravo. Good on you. Glad to hear you were able to get it sorted out.
