Quotes on the editor of this blog

Friday 30 November 2012

Travel Light, or A Full Pack?

Unless I am out hunting for meat, I always carry the same pack regardless of where I am going or for how long. I may only be going for a couple of days, but in my interpretation, it would probably be longer. Also one never knows what might happen on the trek to delay me. I would sonner go knowing I am prepared, whether it be now, or 300 years ago.
July 9. After marching about ten miles further, he sent three of us for- ward to go to the bay and bring him an account of the distance to it. That we might go the lighter, we left our blankets and provisions with the scout, but the distance was much greater than was expected, and we were unable to return before sunset to the place where we left the party. They were gone and had carried off our blankets and provisions; the officer had taken fright and run away, supposing we were killed or taken prisoners. We attempted to track them but to no purpose. Believing that they could not be far off, we fired a gun but received no answer. Our situation was by no means agreeable, having nothing to cover us from the gnats and mosquitoes (with which that country abounds beyond description) but a shirt and breechclout.
Rufus Putnam's Journal. July 9th, 1757.


  1. If it's the same man, old Rufus settled not far from me.

  2. If it's the same man, old Rufus settled not far from me.

  3. If it's the same man, old Rufus settled not far from me.

  4. If it's the same man, old Rufus settled not far from me.
