Quotes on the editor of this blog

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Supplies for Settlement. 17th Century.

A Catalog of such needefull things as every Planter doth or ought to provide to go to New-England

Victuals for a whole yeere for a man...

8 Bushels of meale 2 Bushels of Otemeale. 1 Gallon of Aquavitae 1 Firkin of Butter
2 Bushels of pease. 1 Gallon of Oyle. 2 Gallons of Vinegar.


1 Monmouth Cap. 1 Wast-coat. 1 Suit of Frize. 2 Paire of Sheets.
3 Falling Bands. 1 Suit of Canvas. 3 Paire of Stockings. 1 Paire of Blankets.
3 Shirts. 1 Suit of Cloth. 4 Paire of Shooes. 1 Course Rug.

7 Ells of Canvase to make a bed and boulster.


1 Armor compleat.1 Sword. 1 Bandilier.60 Pound of Lead.
1 Long peece.1 Belt. 20 Pound of Powder.1 Pistoll and Goose shot.


1 Broad Howe. 1 Shovell. 1 Felling Axe. 1 Grindstone.
1 Narrow Howe. 1 Spade. 1 Gimblet. 1 Pickaxe.
1 Steele Handsawe. 2 Augers. 1 Hatchet. Nayles of all sorts
1 Whipsawe. 4 Chissels. 2 Frowes.

1 Hammer. 1 Broad Axe. 1 Hand-Bill.

Household Implements.

1 Iron Pot. 1 Gridiron. Trenchers. Dishes.
1 Kettel. 2 Skellets. Wooden Platters. Spoons.
1 Frying pan 1 Spit.


Sugar. Cloves. Mace. Fruit.
Pepper. Cinnamon. Nutmegs.

Also there are divers other things necessary to bee taken over to this Plantation,
as Bookes, Nets, Hookes and Lines, Cheese, Bacon, Kine, Goats, &c.
From: New England’s Plantation, or, A short and True Description of the Commodities and Discommodities of that Country. by Reverend Francis Higginson, London, 1630.


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