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Friday 26 October 2012

A Ladies Garters ?

Queens stitch garters, circa 1753.
These garters are in the Wintertur Museum online collection apparently, though going to the link I was unable to access any online collection for more information. This sadly is often the case. I fail to see why they design such sites as to baffle the prospective viewer! I have (again!) contacted the museum asking for some clarrification.


  1. Men's garters were surprisingly ornate, as well; so who's to say?

  2. Exactly Gorges. Some museums give no description or date!!! I was just trying to search The British Museum. Accoding to their register online, all they have for the 18th century is about five pistures & a lot of playing cards!!!

  3. Hi Keith,
    They resemble the garters I use on my leggings. Indian style.
