Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 22 September 2012

Trade Goods 1740AD.


  1. I don't understand the volume to value connection.

  2. Neither can I Gorges. At least it shows trade items that were available, but the table makes no sense to me.

  3. I might be misunderstanding the question, but it seems to me that the middle column is the price for one of the listed item, while the second column is the total price for the number of those items listed.

    For example, if 70 fishhooks were ordered, it would cost a total of 4.97 (rounded up to 5 in the table) made beaver. It's an odd table because they haven't listed the number of each item ordered, but have listed the price of the number of each item ordered.

    It's interesting that they ordered 255 guns but only 185 powder horns. Is there a reason for having more guns than powder horns?

  4. I might be misunderstanding the question, but it seems to me that the middle column is the price for one of the listed item, while the second column is the total price for the number of those items listed.

    For example, if 70 fishhooks were ordered, it would cost a total of 4.97 (rounded up to 5 in the table) made beaver. It's an odd table because they haven't listed the number of each item ordered, but have listed the price of the number of each item ordered.

    It's interesting that they ordered 255 guns but only 185 powder horns. Is there a reason for having more guns than powder horns?

    Sorry if this comment is duplicated - the system doesn't seem to be working for me.

    Also, thanks for the great blog LeLoup! I've been following it for a while now.
