Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Jerky or Jerk.

“I was Left behind at ye Camps, where they

was killing of Cattle and Laying in a Stock of Provissions,

for our Voyage, there manner of Curing

meate that they Design to keep any Considerable

time, is to Cut it in Large fletches, and Lay it over ye

fire, till it is So Smoakedryed, and Rosted, yt one

Cannot perceive any manner of moister in it, more

then in a Chip, this is ye Custom of both french. and

Indians, when they Design to Carrey their provisions

any Considerable Distance”.
The Pote Journal 1745.

Actually you should not "Roast" or cook it, just dry it.


  1. With all the junk put in meat these days, folks may need to start buying their meat straight from the farmer and preparing it themselves.

  2. Gorges, I think you are right. That would probably mean less cost to the purchaser, and more money in the farmer's pocket.
