Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 18 February 2012

Sashes, Garters, and Equipment Straps. Fading Colours.

When researching weaving, bare in mind that colours fade with time and sunlight, and what you see now was probably a lot brighter 300 years ago.
Early to mid 18th century sashes were commonly of one colour, any decoration done with beading. Some though were of two colours, more than two colours were rare but did exist.

My wife wove these straps copying originals.

These images are COPYRIGHT Kravic. The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of The American Revolution. This style existed at least from the French and Indian War through the revolution, possibly earlier.

Early to mid 18th century. These sashes only went once around the waist and tied with the fringe. This is a copy woven by my wife C. L. Burgess. I did the beading. Beads are number 7 French glass beads as per originals.

Garters did not commonly match the sash in colour, eg green sash with green garters.
K.H and C.L. Burgess.

These lower garters are mine. They are finger woven with beaded fringe. Not very flashy, but that is how I like it.

    Indian Clothing of the Great Lakes: 1740-1840 by Sheryl Hartman. Eagle’s View Publishing Co.
  Sashes For The Fur Trade, by Marius Barbeau. The Beaver, June 1941.
    Finger Weaving by Tim Connin, Book of BuckskinningV1, pages 180-213. Scurlock Publishing.


  1. Guess you could say yours are more of a "woodsy" appearance.

    BTW, please consider removing the word verification on your comment section if you can. I realize that not everyone is able (new format).

  2. Gorges, I did not know I had word verification! I hate it! Half the time I can't read it!
    I have contacted the Help forum as I cannot see a way of turning it off in my settings. I will do my best.
    Regards, Keith.
