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Wednesday 22 February 2012

Follow Up To the Safe Water article. Water Bottles & Canteens.

I don't know if any of you took a look at the article on our group's forum http://eighteenthcenturylivinghistory.freeforums.org/safe-water-t396.html , but this is a follow up to that article. Basically Paolo has given some invaluable information in regards to water supplies in a wilderness situation.
On a long trek it is impossible to carry enough water for your needs as Paolo points out, but you do need to carry enough to get you to a water source. One large costrel may suffice, but you can always carry another canteen or water bottle in your haversack.
Wine bottles were often reused for carrying water and even cooking oil (The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of The American Revolution). Some modern wine and port bottles are very close in looks to an 18th century bottle, and certainly good enough to pass. Use whatever you can get until you can find something better.

These wood water bottles are good and sturdy, but heavier than the tin canteens. Common belief is that these canteens were not in use before the American Revolution or before the 1770s.

Military issue canteens, but there are means by which a civilian may obtain one of these.

My leather costrel. Not heavy, quite sturdy.

Original on the left, modern bottle on the right. Close enough to pass.

Original on the left, modern bottle on the right. Not really a close match, but better than a plastic bottle!


  1. I've seen a few brown brandy bottles that were fairly close to the shape of the old bottle. It seems to me that a wrapping of rags and a small pouch with a shoulder strap would make a bottle a much better canteen.

  2. I think you are right Gorges, & I must keep my eys open for that Brandy!
    I know of one bottle that was dug up & found to be encased in leather.
    PS. No problem with the word recognition for comments?
