Quotes on the editor of this blog

Monday 19 December 2011

Xmas is near, Best Wishes To All.

I do not consider myself a Christian. To me xmas is a time to gather my family about me, & a time for the giving of gifts & thinking of others.
I wish all this blog's followers a very Mery Xmas, & I hope you get what you want, whether it be having your family about you, or a holiday & some peace & quiet, or some gifts that really make your day.
At this time please give some thought about those that are not as fortunate as ourselves, for some there will be nothing this xmas that they don't already have, & for some that will be very little.
That does not mean that you have to gag on every bite of food this xmas, or even feel guilty about having such a good time. But it does mean that you should feel very greatful for what you do have no matter how little that is. Me? I am just so glad to be back in my forest home again with my family. Anything else is just icing on the cake.
All the best everyone for a good xmas season & for the New Year to come.
Regards, Keith aka Le Loup.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope it is everything you have wished for.

  2. Thank you Judy, Ditto.
    Regards, Keith.
