Quotes on the editor of this blog

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Surgery. Only slightly off topic.

I have to fly down to Sydney for surgery on the weekend & expect to be away for about 2-3 weeks. Then I have further rehab when I return home, so I will not be able to reply to comments or answere questions for a while.

Someone said that at least it won't be like the 18th century. Well actually the last time I was cut open it was done without any anesthetic, no local, nothing. Not even a stiff drink! They did not even have a lead ball for me to bite down on, I had to roll up my handkerchief and bite down on that whilst I gripped the sides of the bed.

Bitten round ball from surgery.

They say that what does not kill you makes you stronger. I am not so sure of that, but it is definately life changing and all our experiences together make us who and what we are.
This time round I am assured they will Anaesthetise me so hopefully [A] I will wake up, and [B] the surgery will have been successful. I am all for learning new experiences, but once is quite enough thank you. It did teach me what my pain threshhold was though, and for that I am thankful. But ever since I have had to explain to doctors why my RSI is only a 4, and why my arthritis is only a 5-6!
With any luck I will see you all later and catch up on my posts. I am looking forward to running the woods again, well at least dog trotting! Take care everyone and I will see you down the trail later. Think positive, I am.
Regards, Keith.


  1. Eeek!

    I hope you feel better soon!

    (And ouch! That sounds horrid!)

    Worst I ever had was something or another under just local. The patient couch was kinda like a dentist chair, and you look up and see on the hospital light a little smiley face sticker with the words "thank you for not screaming" written around it.

    Sounds like your kinda place. ;)

    Anyhow, here's wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back to the woods!

  2. Jenny thank you, you made my day. Your'e my kind of girl.
    Regards, Keith.

  3. Good luck Keith with whatever the problem is. I dislike doctors in general but I guess they are necessary now and then. Expect to see you back here before to long.

  4. I know what you mean Bob, and thank you.

    Judy, I intend to. Thank you.
    Regards, Keith.

  5. Doctors are pretty good nowadays, compared to some stories from the past I have read. Get well soon Keith. I'll look forward to your posting again soon on all sorts of interesting topics.

  6. Joel, thank you. Your words are appreciated.

  7. Hey Keith,

    Good luck and speedy recovery my friend...



  8. Karl, thanks mate. You & I have got to share a camp fire one of these days.

  9. I hope the surgery will be successful and that you recover fast!

    Best wishes from Norway!

  10. Hey, sad to hear that youre in that situation. I hope youll get well and heal without complications. Thumbs up.

  11. Norsk, Perkunas, Elmo. Your well wishes are much appreciated, thank you.

  12. get well soon m8,the woods will be empty without you.
