Quotes on the editor of this blog

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Traditional Hunting with Longbow and Flintlock. Or The Need To Carry Gun or Bow.

In some ways I understand the way this man feels. I have a strong need to carry my flintlock in the woods. The difference between us is that I don't need to kill something to feel good, in fact unless we need meat then I don't see the point in hunting. But this need I have to carry my flintlock is not understood by many, including my own wife. I would love to go exploring beyond my own forest, and I have and will, but it is not half as much fun without my gun. I just have this constant feeling that something is missing.


  1. Having the gun or bow gives a feeling of better preparedness and increased opportunity, even if they're never used.

  2. The longbow is the way to go. Not the mechanical system of wheels and pullies that many people call a bow today.

  3. I will go along with that Bob. As a matter of fact I got to use one of those new fangled take down bicycles just a couple of weeks ago and did not like it one bit.
