Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 22 October 2011

Pioneer and settlers handbooks of the 1800's. A Link To A New Blog.

A little late for me, but there is some interesting information on this blog, well worth looking at:



  1. Thank you Le Loup! I love that you and your followers are putting this kind of information to use. I'd love to get across to Armidale and do some trecking with you.
    Craig Meade - Pioneer Handbooks

  2. You are very welcome Craig, I am glad I found your blog.
    If you post any comments here in the future, remember to add you url. It gets picked up by the search engines and you will attract more followers.
    You are welcome here anytime should you visit.
    Regards, Keith.

  3. Thanks. I got two links from you today.

    Grace and peace.

  4. I found the recipes for cooking pigeon interesting since I raise pigeons myself. We also have the wild Band Tailed Pigeons which migrate through here, but nothing like the numbers of Passenger Pigeons of long ago. I’m not sure they ever existed in this area. I think they were more of an eastern bird, while I am on the west coast.

  5. Thanks for the feedback Pumice, glad you found something of interest.

    I have not seen many pigeons here Bob, sadly. I used to do a lot of wood pigeon hunting in England as a young lad for food. We see crested pigeons not far from here, but for some reason never seen them in our forest.

  6. You guys should come to New Zealand. Our native wood pigeons are the size of ducks. I hear they are good eating too, but I think only Maori are allowed to hunt them for traditional reasons.

  7. I should imagine it is a conservation matter Craig. Too many people these days hunt for merely sport and not for food. I believe it is the same here in Australia, the Aboriginals are allowed to hunt certain species of animals for food, but not so the white folks. I think that is fair enough.

  8. Absolutely. Their feathers are used in the Maori ceremonial cloaks.

