Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 9 July 2011

Baynton & Wharton Traders.

Morgan to Baynton & Wharton July 20th 1768.
Kaskaskia July 20th 1768

I was going on with the forgoing When Simon Girty^ one of our
Hunters came in from the Shawana River & informd me that about
thirty Indians had attackd our Boat & that no body had made their
Escape but himself that he knew of. He is a Lad Who is particularly
attach'd to me otherwise he would not have come here to give me
this Intelligence but would have immediately proceeded to Fort Pitt.
Mr. Hollingshead will give you his Character. The inclosed Letter
which I wrote to Mr Rumsey, will give you a short but plain Relation
of this Tragical Affair. He has given me this Letter, that I need not
have the Trouble of again recollecting every Part & writing it over.
I therefore refer you to it. Inclosure N°. P

Had not this Disaster happend, we should have collected more
Skins from that Quarter by Dec'' next than we trade for here in
twelve Months. There was a generous Strife between the Hunters,
who should do most for me — & pleased themselves very greatly with
reckoning up every Night how much Money We shoul make by
their Industry — Which each of them daily declared should not be
Wanting — for that Mr Morgan had used them so well that they
could not do too much for him.
Besides the Skins, they would have renderd about 20 M W* of
Tallow & brought in Meat sufficient for the Garrison all next Year.
They had agreed to remove about 15 or twenty miles higher up the
River that very Day.

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