Quotes on the editor of this blog

Saturday 9 July 2011

Baynton & Wharton 3.

John Buxton, Coming To Trade.

Baynton & Wharton, 1768.

I shall impatiently await the Arrival of our red Strouds &c, without without which We shall suffer greatly in our Sales. Should any Accident have happend to them I recommend to you to send at least 100 Pieces of the already described Fabrick, as soon as possible.

I have already sent you a gen^ Order for the Goods which are in demand here & which will afford a great Advance Mess" Clarkson & Jennings drew it out, but I fear the Am* may be beyond your Capacity. If so, I would have you generally confine yourselves to the Articles therein mark'd with an A particularly those mentiond in the inclosed List But a small Part of those markd B, will be very necessary. As to Muscovado & Loaf Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Mens, Womens & Childrens best & common Leather Shoes, Tin Ware — Pewter d° Silver Truck, Appalachia Handkerchiefs — Beaver Traps, & Soap, you cannot send too great a Q^^ but an assortment will occasion quicker Returns & prevent Traders going to New Orleans.

Pray dont forget to send the Jesuits Bark by the first Opportunity
I expect to eat a pound of it myself if it comes in Time. We are greatly distressed for Want of Medicines & shall be much more so in two or three Months if Mr Wharton does not bring a small Supply.
I flatter myself that ere this you have forwarded to Fort Pitt A considerable Part of the Goods I sent an Order for P Silver Heels & Mr Young & That that [sic] they will be despatchd to this Place before the Fall of the Waters — We shall be in Want of the following

particular Articles, Viz
Loaf Sugar
Muscovado d"
Hyson Tea
Bohea d°
Shoes very large in the instep but not high quarterd fine & coarse Mens Womens & Childrens
Tin Ware
Pitch & Cordage
Pewter Basons &c
Brass Candle sticks
Writing Paper
Spike Gimblets
Tap Bores
3 Largest Scale Beams
Steel Spurs Short of all Sizes
Salt Petre
Worsted or Cruels
Short Pipes
Blotting Cloaths
fine Irish Linnens
fine Chintz & Callicos
White & red Flan^
Black Barcelona
Cravats & Hkdfs
Bandana d°
small Gilt Trunks
Bed Ticken in Pieces
Table Cloths
Candle Wick &
Candle moulds
black Kip Hides
tannd Sheep Skins
Beaver Traps
Nails & Iron Mongery for building of Houses
scyths & Sickles
scyth Stones
Knives & Forks
Garden Spades
Axes, of the best sort
A large Q*^ of English Cheese
12 lb Beeswax
Shirt Buttons
fine y^ w^ Cott Checks blue & red striped Ginghams & Cott

Apalachia Hhdfs
Mens Boys & Womens worsted Hose & th"*
G milld Hose & Mitts & Gloves
Felt & Castor Hats
brass Jews Harps
Castile Soap
Playing Cards
6 best Whip Saws
2 Mill Saws
Bar Iron
Red Stroud &c &c
principally the Indian
Silver Truck as wrote for

These are the principal Articles & w*'*' will yield an immense Profit & are what C & J intend to run principally upon Whether they open a new Store or not, the beneficially closing our Adventure depends greatly on keeping ours properly assorted — The Expences of Store Rent, Agents, Servants, Diet &c will be nearly the same Whether We have those Supplies or not, & the having the necessary Assortments will abundantly contribute to the Sale of the Goods We have on Hand — Mr Clarksons apprehending that we shall not be able to keep up those Assortments & knowing the great Profits on the Sale thereof, has induced him I imagine to draw Mr Jennings in to make the inclosed Proposals,^ knowing that we would not accept of them, & that then he should be at Liberty to offer them to others.

Should any adventurous Persons adopt their Plann, I think they would be still more bold Adventurers than ever B W & M were. Our Trade 'tis true would be greatly injured but would reap no Benefit & I cannot believe that Mr Jennings would undertake such an Affair, provided you comply with the Order of December.

Robert Griffing-Delicate Ballance.

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