Quotes on the editor of this blog

Wednesday 11 May 2011

A Link to a post on the so-called "corn quiver". The Buffalo Trace.


The corn quiver craze was started by a certain living historian's interpretation of a 16th century quote:
“Brought with them in a thing like a bow case (which the principle of them had about his waste) a little of their corn pounded into powder, which put to a little water they eat”.

16th century. Origin unknown.

However, like a lot of things that get recommended in living history, instead of people doing their own research, they just accepted this as fact. One quote, one interpretation! This interpretation had this quiver being made out of linen looking like a large sausage! Anyway, suffice it to say that I could not find any documentation to back this up, so I said nothing at the time. Now one chap has come up with new information, & I think it is worth reading. Go to the link above.

Personally I have enough period equipment on my back & shoulders as it is without looking for another bag, wallet or pouch! I carry my food in cloth & leather bags inside my knapsack in my kettle. The haversack is well documented for civilian use, and is good for carrying trail foods. It also serves well when foraging.

Beggar-on-his-crutches-from-behind. By Jaques Callot, 17th century.

The cripple by Jaques Callot, 17th century.

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