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Thursday 19 May 2011

Kangaroo Dung As Tinder.

Not the best tinder to use, but there is plenty of it about if you can't find anything else. However, I have only used it with reading glass fire lighting.
The lighter dung in the far left pile is what to look for. It is more sun bleached than the other two piles.

A good one!

And some more.

But would you see it on the trail? This is where observation & experience count, it is not something you start practicing when you urgently need to find some tinder.

I found this punk wood beside the trail. Not all punk wood, but enough around the wood to use for making fire, & better than Kangaroo dung.

It actually took longer to make fire than this video shows, but I had to edit. Regardless it did work.


  1. I'll have to take your word about the roo dung Keith, but I don't see why dung from any other herbivore wouldn't work as well. Cattle, horse, etc.

  2. That is exactly right Bob, I can't see why not either. I have seen donkey dung used too. But we have more roos here than anything else, they are Australia's Deer.

  3. Looks like a smelly proposition!

  4. Only nice herbivore smells jbt, & no smell with the dried ones.
