Quotes on the editor of this blog

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Gunpowder Tinder Fire Lighting. AND Reruns!

I am going to be posting my videos here for a while, some of them if not all of them, some of you have seen before. BUT, there are new people following this blog now who may not have seen these videos, and despite my best efforts to get the information out there, I am still recieving emails asking how do I do this & that.

One lady wrote & said "I am confused (you & me both Lady!), I thought fat wood was kindling not tinder!?" Well of course she was right, fat wood is kindling & NOT tinder. But the person advising her was using a ferocium rod & calling it flint & steel (Arrrrrg!!!). So for those of you who are into traditional ways & primitive ways, I will commence to post my videos.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to catch up on the ones that I've missed
