Quotes on the editor of this blog

Wednesday 27 April 2011

And Yet More On Foods. LINK.

Artichokes--the Jerusalem is best, are cultivated like potatoes, (tho' their stocks grow 7 feet high) and may be preserved like the turnip raddish, or pickled--they like,

Cucumbers, are of many kinds; the prickly is best for pickles, but generally bitter; the white is difficult to raise and tender; choose the bright green, smooth and proper sized.

Lemon cuecumber.


  1. A couple of years ago someone gave me some lemon cucumbers. Delicious! I've grown Jerusalem artichokes myself. Slice and fry with onions just like potatoes.

  2. I have not tried them fried Bob, don't know why! I will give it a try, thank you.
