Quotes on the editor of this blog

Thursday 10 March 2011


Monday 26th. Rainy and wet—I come up the River in a Battoe to Fort Edward to the incampment—their we drad 1/2 a pound of powder and 10 Bullets a peace and 8 days provision in order for to march to the Lake[26]—Barnabas Evings was very poor with fever nago[27] and was forst to stay behind & David Bishop with him—we Lodged in Bush tents and very wet it was.

Tuesday (p. 017) 27th. Marched all of Colonel Phiches[28] Regiment that were hear with 3 teams to carry the officers we arrived at the half way Brook[29] and their a great percel stashond for a while & from thence we Marched to Lake George and went over upon the hill East & their Encamptt one with myself went upon guard this night.

Wednesday 28th. We cleard our ground and pitchd our tents I sent 2 letters home.

Thursday 29th. Stil here General Limon[30] & Colonel Phiches Regiments come up to the Lake this day I washed my Cloths 1 more rigiment come up.

Friday 30th. This day there was a very unhapy mishap fel out in the province forces & that was I shot one  partly through the body but did not kil (p. 018) him the man which was shot lived at Bridgwater to day they drawd out 9 men to go in Battoes up the Lake.

Saturday July 1st. Colonel Worster[31] & his rigiment came up to day & 3 of our sick men 1 of them Brot nuse that one man shot another by accident at Schenacata & an hour after he died to day our Chapling[32] came up &. 1 of Magor Rogers[33] men came in that had bin (p. 019) gorn 7 days & Expected to be gorn but 2 he was so beat out that he could not tel what had becom of tother. this night I went upon a batto and guarded Colonel Phiches Tub of Butter.

Sonday 2. In the fore noon I went to meting & heard Mr. Eals his text was in the 5th Chapter of James 16th verse a good sermon I rote a letter & sent home & in the after noon to meeting again.


  1. My utter respect to you, le Loup. I have been away for some time comment-wise, but only for the reason I do not quite know what to reply.

    Awesome work.

  2. That is okay, I have the same problem with blogs. Thanks for this comment though, appreciated.
