Quotes on the editor of this blog

Monday 7 March 2011

Military Journal of 1758.

April 5 1758. I Lemuel Lyon of Woodstock .
Tuesday 13th. Marched and arived at the half way house in Albany & Bated, & then into Green Bush[10] by Son down and lodged their in Ranslays Barn.

Wednesday 14th. Stil at Albany and their I first shifted my clothes and washed them—then we had 6 rounds of powder & ball & had orders from Colonel Whiting to go to Senakada[11]—this day Asel Carpenter came to Albany.

Thursday 15th. We went over the River Early to receive our rations in provision and in money and we marched 2 Miles and stoped and refreshed ourselves their half an hour and Lieut. Smith came up and we received our Abilitan money.[12]

Friday 16th. We had Prayers in our company at 3 Ock (p. 014) then all marched of but 14 and they stayed here to guard Lieut Smith and the money and yesterday Mr. Holmes sot of for Home and I giv 5 pence for carring my letter—we stayed here til 5 oclock this afternoon and we heard nothing from Lieut Smith and we had no provisions so we marched for Scanacata[13] and we got in at Son down well & their was a Larrom[14] this night.

Saturday 17th. Stil at Schenacata[15] and we moved into our Barrocks and Barnabas Evings was taken poor with a working in the Body Ben denny was taken very poor.

Sonday 18th. I was first called upon guard with 15 more. My turn came first at 11 oclock—this afternoon 3 ock Lieut. Smith come up with our abilitan money.

Monday 19th. Stil at Schenacata and their was a rigiment of province men[16] come up to Schenacata and this night 25 of our men went over the River west 1 mile to guard wagon Horses—this day a short training 1 Regiment.

Tuesday 20th. Their marched of 3 Hundred of the Bay Forces[17] for Fort Edward[18] and I received my abilitan in full £1.8s.0d.

Wednesday (p. 015) 21st. Stil hear and we were imbodied for prayers in the morning and then trained a little. Corperal Carpenter was taken poor.

Thursday 22d. Had orders to march to the half moon[19] and Captain Leneses company to & at 7 oclk we marched and arivd at Tess-ceune[20] and Lodged their at Landard Abraham Grotes.

Friday 23d. Marched in the rain and very gresy traviling it was and we Arivd at Teburth and from thence to the place cald Lowdins Ferry[21] to Landard Fungdors and from thence to the half moon & Lodged their.

Saturday 24th. I received a Letter from John at the half moon and from thence we marched & Arived at Stil Water[22] & Lodged their & Barnabas Evings was poor.

Sonday (p. 016) 25th. We got 2 Battoes[23] to carry our packs up to Salatogue[24] and we went a foot & 8 of our men were draun out to stay at Salatogue—Captain Lewis shot at an Indian and kild him & sot in the Battoe—from Salatogue we marched on to Fort Miller[25] and Lodged their.


  1. Awesome site thank you for putting the time in.

    Jim nzbro

  2. Welcome Jim. Good to have you with us.
