Quotes on the editor of this blog

Tuesday 1 March 2011

1768 Clothing.

1768 Clothing.

Virginia Gazette
(Rind), Williamsburg ,
June 16, 1768.
RUN away from the subscribers, in Augusta county, in the forks of James river, two convict servant men, one named Israel Cowen, aged about 27 years, about 5 feet 7 inches high, of a dark complexion, his head bald and blind of his left eye. He had on when he went away, a new felt hat, an old thickset coat, with tortoise-shell buttons, a blue broadcloth jacket, trowsers, and old shoes. The other named George Wilkinson, aged about 20 years, about 5 feet 6 inches high, of a sandy complexion, and red hair. Had on when he went away, a new felt hat, hunting shirt and callico waistcoat, with old buckskin breeches, blue leggings, and old shoes. Whoever takes up the said servants and secures them in any gaol in this colony, shall have five pounds reward, and if but one of them, fifty shillings, besides what the law allows, paid by us,

The above information found at: Of Sorts for Provincials.

(My youngest Son's Hunting Frock).
This "Hunting Shirt" was in use from the time of the American Revolution. Whether or not it was available in 1768 I cannot say. It could also be refered to as a hunting frock.

(My Frock).
This "Frock" was in use from at least the 17th century through to the 19th century and into the 20th century with "Frocking" added.
This frock could also be refered to as a hunting shirt or hunting frock.


  1. It's wonderful how these garments are now being put to good use again, rather then being stuffed in a chest!


  2. Hi Jessie.
    Actually these two examples are copies of originals for use in 18th
    century Living History.

  3. Oh well then let me just say they are great reproductions.
