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Monday 15 November 2010

My Favourite Fight Scene.

Pitty this is such narrow screen, but this theatrical version is the only one I have found so far of my favourite fight scene. Watch how Daniel-Day Lewis uses his knife and tomahawk together for fighting.


  1. LOVE this movie in fact I have the DVD. Yes I have watched a several times...it was a good fight eh?

  2. I too have the DVD. I am surprised there are not more videos of this scene. Yes, good fight.

  3. I also have the DVD, and the book. The movie doesn't follow the book very closely, but it's still a good movie.

  4. I have the book too Bob. But like you say, still a good movie.
    They should make a prequel, the book written later, but the story comes before Last of the Mohicans, and is called "Deerslayer". Would love to see a movie on this one.

  5. I haven't read that one. Just checked with Amazon to see if they have it. Other titles by the same author are "The Pathfinder", "The Pioneers", and "The Prairie". The complete set is called "Leather Stocking Tales".

  6. There are I believe 5 books that make up the Leather Stocking Tales, though he wrote many more.
